Derek Cecil
Derek Cecil is an American actor. He played the role of Seth Grayson on the Netflix series House of Cards, starred in the short-lived series Push, Nevada and The Beat, and made several appearances in the series Pasadena and Banshee.
Derek Cecil is an American actor. He played the role of Seth Grayson on the Netflix series House of Cards, starred in the short-lived series Push, Nevada and The Beat, and made several appearances in the series Pasadena and Banshee.
قسمت هشتم از فصل ششم با دوبله فارسی قرار گرفت.
نماینده کنگره، فرانک آندروود با بازی کوین اسپیسی و همسرش با بازی رابین رایت با هم همکاری میکنند تا از کسانی که به آنها خیانت کردهاند انتقام بگیرند، در این راه...