Sunil Patel
Dr. Sunil Patel is an Indian politician from the state of Uttar Pradesh, of the Apna Dal (Sonelal) party, who is serving as a member of 18th Legislative Assembly, from the Rohaniya constituency in Varanasi.
Dr. Sunil Patel is an Indian politician from the state of Uttar Pradesh, of the Apna Dal (Sonelal) party, who is serving as a member of 18th Legislative Assembly, from the Rohaniya constituency in Varanasi.
برایان مخترعی است که پس از گذراندن یک دوره سخت افسردگی و بی هم زبانی، تصمیم می گیرد خودش را از تنهایی دربیاورد: او برای خودش یک ربات می سازد.